June 19, 2009

The {other} quilt

All the time I've been spending on my hexagons was making my other quilt-in-progress feel very jealous. But a bit ago I spent some time chain piecing and here are the results: behold, a couple of pinwheel blocks, and a stack of soon-to-be-pinwheels!

Can you tell I like green? These are sitting on top of my current bedspread, which I was thinking of replacing. But I'm not sure I'm quite ready to go that big (and I don't think I have the fabric for it, either). (Poor planning, I know, but as with most things, I jumped right into quilting not really knowing what I was doing.)

It's not just the hexagons... enjoying summer and working on a myriad of other duties/projects means this quilt is slow going. I bet if it were colder out, I'd be more motivated to finish. Poor other quilt.